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Meet Billie

Billie was born in 2014 and came to us, along with his friend Merlin, in November 2023 from Nidderdale Llamas in Yorkshire where he had been a hard working trekking llama. At the age of 9 it was decided that it was time for him to live life at a slightly slower pace so he came to join us to help with our therapy work and for gentle ambles around the farm.

Billie is a big boy but quite timid in his own way. When he first arrived at the farm he took a little while to settle in with our other boys but is gaining confidence every day and is now very much part of the herd.

He has been enjoying his initial walks around the farm with Merlin and has been getting to know some of the other animals who live nearby, including Bob the giant goat and Magic the miniature pony – we don’t think he’d ever seen anything quite like either of them before!